Cleaning Up – 2010

 What happens when you are not rushing off to work every day?

You notice that this could be cleaned and that could be cleaner and oh… look at that over there, it needs a dust.

And so that was how Bruce started retirement and the year of 2010.  The year of the big clean and where it led us…

–          clean to sell
–          clean to move out
–          clean to move in
–          clean the holiday house (well, why not)
–          then Ev asked us to help him clean to move out – by then we were experts

After 31 years at Ocean Street we have cleaned up, moved out and down sized to apartment living in Sandringham, with stunning views across the bay.  Sally-the-dog has managed her new life style very well.  Hayden came to stay and was impressed.  Evan loves to visit.

We have also retired.  Although we both have grand ideas for future activities, we will start with a bit of travelling – Indochina (Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia) during January and February and more later in the year.

Hayden has visited us twice from Barcelona this year, for Sally & Michael’s wedding in April and Cat & Andy’s in November.  He has also completed two masters (Computer Architecture in Spanish and Multi Media Design in English – ask him if you want more details), started a PhD (Pure Maths), got himself a girlfriend (Andrea from Granada) and still holds down a part time job in London – excellent outcome in a year.  Hayden keeps a blog at if you would like to track his day-to-day activities.

Evan continues his creative journey, packed some graphic design study into the year as well as ongoing training in various, very complicated, film editing applications.  He and Steph have moved to the “dark side”, north of the Yarra to Fitzroy where the Greens rule.  It is a great part of town and they make the most of it, visiting interesting restaurants and tracking down the numerous local festivals.  This time last year Ev and Steph were adventuring in Central America.  Their next planned adventure is Bangladesh and Nepal in April!  You will find Ev on Facebook.

Bruce & I have both succumbed to publishing thoughts and activities:

And so we send you our very warm greetings for a wonderful Christmas and an exciting 2011. 

We hope ours will be somewhat nomadic, so look out for blogs, emails and even the occasional postcard from exotic places.

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